Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Quiet Day.
Not much to report here, just felt like checking in I guess.
So, here's the scoop; I'm so very newly pregnant, really I shouldn't even be talking about it yet, but this is my blog, right? This is where I can actually talk about how excited I am, even already!
It's funny; Suzie was SUCH a challenging baby, straight from three months of colic into just a constant high needs, spirited kid (I clearly remember the months of wearing her 7-10 hours a day, just to keep her from crying) there was NO way I was putting myself through that again! I went from dreaming quiverful dreams to looking into getting my tubes ties in just 8 short months. But here I am, excited to death at the arrival of this next bundle. I can't wait to cuddle and nurse that tiny newborn body!!! Does that sound weird? Probably to anybody who hasn't ever or who didn't have a great experience nursing but I just loved it so much. I loved being that close to my little one.
Work is work. It's mundane and stupid. I'm going to do my best though to hold out. It's only till November after all. My little election day bundle of joy. :)
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So, here's the scoop; I'm so very newly pregnant, really I shouldn't even be talking about it yet, but this is my blog, right? This is where I can actually talk about how excited I am, even already!
It's funny; Suzie was SUCH a challenging baby, straight from three months of colic into just a constant high needs, spirited kid (I clearly remember the months of wearing her 7-10 hours a day, just to keep her from crying) there was NO way I was putting myself through that again! I went from dreaming quiverful dreams to looking into getting my tubes ties in just 8 short months. But here I am, excited to death at the arrival of this next bundle. I can't wait to cuddle and nurse that tiny newborn body!!! Does that sound weird? Probably to anybody who hasn't ever or who didn't have a great experience nursing but I just loved it so much. I loved being that close to my little one.
Work is work. It's mundane and stupid. I'm going to do my best though to hold out. It's only till November after all. My little election day bundle of joy. :)
What a wonderful thing to be looking forward to. A new baby. Nursing. Cuddling. Babies and children are sure special.
This is a blessed time. Keep enjoying it! :)
Post a CommentThis is a blessed time. Keep enjoying it! :)