
Friday, February 15, 2008


Suzie woke up from our V-Day celebration with a 102 degree fever. I've got pre-symptoms as well. Lame. I don't want her to be sick and I don't want me to be sick. Its funny though, as much as I want to drop into "poor me" mode I'm still really happy today. I'm pretty much just totally in love with my life. I'm thinking that's a good thing.

I am still fighting the urge to continue escalating my entirely innapropriate relationship with my CD counselor--I mean, I know the law "frowns on it" but it's not like he's a "real" counselor or anything. :) And you DO know that I'm completely tounge in cheek when I say that, right? But god damn, he's just adorable. And I'm a bad, bad, bad person. :) (And also really into emoticons).

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