
Friday, November 02, 2007

I can't believe I forgot! 

Yesterday was the the first day of my 30 days of blogging and I totally blew it off! What a dumbass I can be. :)

Good thing I don't worry about that kind of thing.

Anyway, yesterday was the 16 year anniversary of my first date with John. Crazy, right? We didn't really do anything; we're more into celebrating the actual wedding anniversary at this point (when we remember...). But we were both sober, which was nice. We're trying this new partial sobriety experiment which has been, um, exciting and challenging, but you know, good...

I use a lot of ellipses.

Um, let's see. Quiet times right now in the Martian household. Which is a good thing. I don't think we've had a significant fight or even argument really in at least, um, I'm thinking two weeks. That's pretty staggering for me to be writing, being as how we has approximately 6 fights in the first 10 years of our relationship. Things have definitely devolved over the years, which is what everyone pretty much says happens with the arrival of the first child. We'll see, maybe we're on an upswing. Our communication level has increased, doubtless, as has my refusal to deal with bullshit/borderline abusive behavior. And these are two very good things.

Anyway, I'm gonna give myself a gold star for the day and call it good (ok, maybe a silver star); I got work to do.

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