
Friday, July 13, 2007

No woman of mine!!! 

So we had a surprise rain storm last night--at least, it was a surprise to me--it's been sunny and hot for a week and expected to continue so I was happily surprised to wake up to the sound of raindrops on the skylight last night while sleeping. Unfortunately because I wasn't expecting the rain I wasn't as diligent about bringing in the BBQ equipment as I might have been had I known otherwise. Luckily the cookbooks came in and nothing was ruined, but the citronella candles are full of water and that kind of thing....

So this morning my boss and I were discussing the surprise shower and I told him my story. He started going on and on about how that would never happen in his household because he's taught his wife and step-kids respect and they know that if they leave their belongings out in the rain (or even in the living room overnight) that they'll be in the garbage by morning--and he doesn't care how much sentimental or monetary value the item may hold and his family knows it. And on and on and on about that's what should have happened at my house too.

Finally I looked up and said, as nicely as possible considering that he's my boss, "you know, if my husband spoke that way to me I probably just wouldn't stay." "In what way?" he asked innocently--totally challenging me--"you mean in a way that demands you respect the family's belongings?"

Instead of answering his question I replied "well, first and foremost my husband is my best friend and partner, secondarily he's my lover (I said this to make him uncomfortable), in no way is he my father. If a partner were to talk to me like and and throw away MY belongings the first thing that would happen is that he would replace my belongings immediately, the next thing that would happen is that he would find himself a new family because me and my children would be gone before he knew what hit him." All this said with a smile of course, he IS my boss and a certain amount of ass kissing is required but I was not going to let his comments slide today. It's one thing for him to behave like a tyrant to to woman who knowledgeably chose to marry him, it's another to expect me to put up with it.

He went on to try and turn it around to not being supportive of a partner that clearly has clutter/nitpicking issues. I went on to make copies of my invoices and get back to work.

It is any wonder that when I thought I was pregnant and having a miscarriage last night that my first thought was "well, at least I won't have to go to work tomorrow..."

(more on that later--no pregnancy, no miscarriage, no worries.)

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