
Friday, February 24, 2006

Just a quick one today. 

I spent most of Suzie's nap time working out so I only have a few minutes before she wakes up from her nap and I want to get some housework done.

So as I've mentioned, Suzie's been a bit of a bear lately, really needy and demanding while at the same time almost fiercely independent. I know this is a perfectly normal stage of development, but it's still a little grating at times.

Because of this push and pull, she's been needing a lot of time in mama's arms and has been more actively dis-interested in hanging out with other people. We were at crazy friends house yesterday and she informed me, condescendingly, (Ok, wait for it, this is good...)

"Well, that's what happens when you hold your babies too much."

Coming from anybody else I would have been totally shocked, but still OH MY GOD!!! It was kind of like she was thumbing her nose at me and saying "see, if you'd just let her cry it out now and again like I told you to you wouldn't have had that problem."

It really put things in perspective for me though, kind of one of those teachings in disguise as I realized "yeah, that is what happens when you hold your babies too much--they learn that you are a person of safety and security and comfort and know to come to you to get their conflicting emotional needs met."

Ok, just a quick rant--I'm off to do the laundry.

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